NVTV Interview

In October of 2019, our Project Officer, Cuisle Nic Liam, was invited to undergo an interview with the local news service, Northern Visions Television (NVTV). During the interview, an insight was given into the background and aims of the project, as well as the importance of this history. 

Cuisle mentioned prominent names who are all widely recognised as playing a central part in the Irish language revival in the early years of Conradh na Gaeilge; be that as it may, the project also aims to focus on people whose names perhaps aren’t recognised by everyone, but who worked steadfastly on behalf of the organisation. These people came from various political and religious backgrounds. 

The project will also consist of collections from the community; minutes of meetings, photographs, certificates etc. The project aims to personalise the history, and to do this througuh a series of historic interviews with people who have experienced this history. This is important so that these stories are available to people in another 100 years.